How to publish VBScript at UNC from Streaming Package,

Sometimes for some application, we have the requirement that the VBScripts that will perform certain actions (like mapping, copying etc) and finally, the launch of the application, kept in some share location in the network, needs to be published for the application. In case of the manual installation, it can be easily published from the XenApp AppCenter.

What if we are creating the streaming package and we need to publish this VBScript kept in network location?

Here is the solution:
Follow the below steps:
  1. In the Streaming package “files and folder” section, add cscript.exe from “C:\Windows\System32”.
  2. Create shortcut for cscript.exe that will be visible under “Application to launch from the Citrix streaming application profile” dropdown in Citrix AppCenter for publishing the application.
  3. Save the package to the AppHub.
  4. In the application publishing wizard, under Location screen, select:
    1. the application streamed profile.
    2. Select “Cscipt” from “Application to launch from the Citrix streaming application profile” dropdown.
    3. Add the VBScript file and location on the “Extra command line parameter”.
  5. Finish the publishing part.
Below screenshot, shows the above step 4:

Now, when user will click the published icon, Cscript from within the virtual bubble will launch the VBScript kept at the network location and this VBScript will run under this virtual bubble. It will launch application installed inside the bubble as if it is installed on the XenApp server.


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